Entwickler Cloud Imperium Games schickte wieder einmal sein „Patch“-Transportschiff auf die Reise, um alle Spielerhangars anzufliegen und Kunde über den Arena Commander Patch 0.9.21 zu bringen. Unter anderem wurden Probleme mit Sounds und Texturen behoben, sowie das neue Liquor-Cabinet-Flare-Item und 315p-Schiffe als nutzbare Raumschiffe im Arena-Commander-Modul eingebunden.
Nachfolgend findet ihr die Patchnotes, um euch alles noch einmal, oder auch zweimal durchzulesen.
315p is able to be flown in Arena Commander
Added Liquor Cabinet flare item
With all of the variants of the 300 series now playable, the default loadout for the ships are being adjusted so that they fit better into their intended roles but can still have their loadout be edited for other functions.
Nose gun removed from default loadout
Missiles removed from default loadout
Nose gun removed from default loadout
Missile racks can now be equipped. Default loadout still empty
Ballistic ammo boxes have had their ammunition damage and ammunition totals adjusted.
25 mm (used in 9-Series Longsword )
Max ammo reduced
Damage decreased
35 mm (used in 11-Series Broadsword)
Max ammo reduced
Damage increased
60 mm (Used in Sledge II)
Max ammo reduced
ESP adjusted to behave more consistently across different hardware setups
Virtual Joystick adjusted to allow for more precise control
Fixed control audio for 300 series
Fixed missing thrusters that were causing 300 series to maneuver poorly
Fixed 325a loading into Arena Commander with 300i textures
Fixed Gladius canopy sinking downward when used
Fixed weapon mounts allowing ships to use larger than intended weapons
Fixed Jukebox screen dropping out when getting too close in Self Land hangar
Fixed Jukebox screen being visible through Arena Commander menu
Fixed outdated sound bank for Self Land (discount) hangar
Fixed a movement delay issue that occurred when using virtual joystick control mode with mouse
Fixed an issue where hangar geometry would drop out when viewed through catwalks
300i will occasionally ignore custom loadouts and enter a match with its stock weapons loadout
315p jump scanner and jump engine appear as polyhedron in holo table
350r targeting reticle is larger than intended when locked onto by another ship
Redeemer has multiple objects that cannot be used
Sure Grip Tractor beam does not function
Vanduul ships can have missing geometry in some damage states
Arena commander ship selection scroll bar is invisible and can only be used with a mouse wheel
Overclocking video cards can cause the game to crash
Quelle: Star Citizen
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